Alice and Alfie and the magic windmill Page 4
“Look over there, Alfie, at the cricket house. There is a table with lots of food and drink on it.” They went over to have a look and found Mr. Tortoise sitting on a chair waiting to play the game. He said he was next to bat but after him it was lunch and they could all have something to eat. Mr. Tortoise said to Alfie and Alice, “You can stay and have some if you like?”
Alfie, replied “Try and stop us.”
Mr. Tortoise saw Mr. Hedgehog caught out and he walked slowly out onto the cricket pitch. Mr. Rabbit threw the ball and he was out for a duck. Alice said, “I didn’t see the duck. Where is it?”
Mr. Hedgehog answered, “It is a saying when you are out for the very first time without scoring any runs.” The rag dolls had a lovely tea with all the animals and then went on their way.
Alice and Alfie saw apple and plum trees in an orchard and they tried to pick some of the plums but could not reach. In a tall tree sat a black and white bird called Mr. Magpie and he had a word with Mr. Squirrel who then ran up the tree and dropped some plums down to Alice and Alfie. It was a magic tree and the plums grew back on the tree instantly. Alfie said to Alice, “It is getting late. We must be getting back to the windmill.”
When they got back, they shut the garden door and started walking up the stairs. As they were half way Jacques walked onto the landing and the rag dolls fell to the floor and he nearly tripped over them. Jacques picked them up and took them back to the bedroom and said to himself, “The windmill’s magic is still working, always moving things around.”
Alice and Alfie fell asleep on the windowsill and that night the moon shone down along with Nichole’s star and said, “Shining bright. When you wake up you will see the light, love Nichole.”
“Alice, How’s that for a game of cricket?”
It had been nearly a year since Nichole had gone back home and said she would be back but Alice and Alfie knew in their hearts they might never see her again. Then one morning they heard Jacques on the telephone, he was talking to Nichole’s mummy and daddy. He said he would love them to come and visit. Alice heard the conversation and she told Alfie. They could not believe Nichole was coming back to stay and they both jumped for joy. Alice said, “Hip, hip, hooray. Nichole’s coming to stay.”
The day arrived and Nichole was coming back to them. Alice and Alfie could not believe it; it had been such a long time. Then the telephone rang and Jacques answered it. He said, “Never mind, another time,” It appeared that Nichole’s daddy was not well and the family had had to cancel their trip.
All afternoon Alice cried and cried and cried. Alfie did not know what to do. That evening they sat at the window staring out and thinking of all the exciting things they had done. The mice came and sat with them; the seagulls landed on the windowsill too but still Alice kept crying. Then it grew dark and the moon came down and asked Alice, “What is the matter?” She told him that Nichole could not come after all. The moon said, “Don’t be sad Alice, why not draw some happy faces,”
“How do you mean?” said Alfie.
The moon said, “Get a round glass and draw a circle around it. Now draw some hair and then a face on it.”
Alice drew a headband on hers and Alfie put a hat on his. “They look just like yourselves now,” said the moon, “You are laughing and happy. Now I want you to close your eyes and pretend these faces are you,” and so they did. “Now open your eyes.” he said. They found they were both floating with the moon in the sky and they could not believe it. The moon flew and flew and they went up into the sky and reached the magic star shining bright.
The moon called to them, “Nichole’s star is shining bright, make your wish tonight.” They made their wish and the moon told them that when you wish upon a star your wish comes true, wherever you are. The moon knew what they had wished for and he blew and he blew until they were fast asleep.
When Alice and Alfie woke up they were in Nichole’s bedroom. They fell to the floor and there they lay forever asleep with dreams of the magic windmill. The moon had made their wish come true.
Alice and Alfie had been back at Nichole’s house for about six months when the summer arrived. Alice heard Nichole say to her mummy, “Can we go back to France and stay at the windmill for our holiday this year?” Then just as her mummy answered, the door slammed in the wind and Alice could not hear anymore.
Alice shouted to Alfie, “Nichole is going back to France to the magical windmill.”
Alfie said, “I cannot wait.”
That evening Nichole’s mummy talked to her daddy about the holiday, and he said he had already booked a special holiday somewhere else. Nichole was so upset she went upstairs to her bedroom and she lay on her bed and cried.
Later Nichole got up and went over to Alice and Alfie and said, “No France this year, we are going to a special place that daddy has booked,” but Alice and Alfie were fast asleep and did not hear a thing.
The holiday arrived and all their cases were packed.
Alice said, “Quick, Alfie, lie down. I think we are off to France.” They lay in their box in the corner of the room and waited and waited and waited. Later they heard the front door shut and Alice said, “Oh no, no, no. They have left us behind again! I don’t believe it!” That night, Alice just cried and cried. Alfie said “Go to sleep and everything will seem better in the morning.”
There was a tap, tap, tap, on the window. It was their friend the moon so they opened the window and the moon asked, “Alice, what is the matter, why are you crying?” Alfie told him what had happened and that Nichole and her mummy and daddy had gone back to France for their holiday. Alice said, “We wanted to go back too.” The Moon said “Let’s do the magic moon spell.” So they all said together, “When you wish upon a star your dream would come true, so take us far.”
The moon blew and blew and to the windmill they flew. The rag dolls landed back in the windmill, thanked the moon and sat on the windowsill and quickly fell asleep.
The next morning they woke up and opened the bedroom door, but heard nothing. They went downstairs and found there was nobody there. There was no Nichole, no mummy and daddy and no Jacques the windmill keeper. His van had also gone. They ran round the windmill to the front door. There was a note on the door and it said, ‘Gone away for three weeks, don’t knock or you will wake the cats.’
Alice and Alfie went round the windmill to the back door and into the kitchen. The kittens had grown into cats, and they were fast asleep on their mats. Alice woke them up. She said, “Do you remember us?” and the cats said yes they did. Alice said, “If Jacques is away, who is feeding you?”
The cats replied, “Don’t worry, we have been eating the mice and they taste very nice.”
Alice said, “No, no, no,” and the cats laughed and laughed and said they were only joking. They were being fed by the lady down the road. The cats asked them why they had come back and Alice told them the story.
That night as it grew dark Alice and Alfie went to sleep. They dreamt of all the things they had done and the adventures they had had. When they woke up Alice said, “The Wooden Prince, let’s go back and see him.” So they went downstairs and got some apples and water and off they went.
The rag dolls walked over the old bridge and along the beach and at last, there it was in the distance: the magic castle. The rag dolls still had the problem of getting across the water; so they lay on the grassy bank of the river and stared into the water. All of a sudden the water started to ripple and from nowhere stepping stones appeared. They ran across them to the castle gate, where they knocked on the door and it opened before them.
In front of the rag dolls stood a tall man in a long black coat and a large pointed hat. He said, “Yes, can I help you would you like a spell?” Alice told him she could already spell and he laughed and said, “No, not spelling words; I can cast spells which will give you good luck and things you would like.”
Alice said, “We would like to see the Wooden Prince.” He said “Come in, he is sleepin
g in the fireplace.”
Alfie was surprised, “Why? what if somebody lights the fire?”
“No, no, no” he answered, “He lies in there because he still thinks he is a log of wood.”
Alice said, to him, “What is your name?”
He told them, “My name is Professor Wood Eye.”
Alfie laughed, “Have you got a wooden eye?”
He said, “No, but when I was young my mother gave me the name because of the time she asked me, “would I do this and would I do that.”
At that moment the Wooden Prince woke up and sat up in the fire place. Alice said to him, “How are you?”
He said, “I feel great after my sleep.” He stared at the rag dolls and said, “Hello, I remember you. You must stay for dinner.”
Alice and Alfie sat at the table eating and talking. After a while the Professor said he was going to his room down in the cellar to the castle to make up some spells. Alice said, “Can we come too?” So they all went down a small stone staircase into the cellar.
It was cold and damp and dark. Alfie said, “I’m freezing.” and Alice said she was too. Professor Wood Eye shouted out, “Boom, boom, warm the room.”
There was a flash of light and some smoke and the room became warm and light.
Alice was amazed, “Wow! That’s magic.” she said. Professor Wood Eye started mixing his spells. The Wooden Prince was upstairs he could not come down as normally it would be too cold and damp for him and all his joints would rot.
A few minutes later the Professor waved his wand and there was a loud bang. He poured the potion he was mixing into a large bottle. He filled it right to the top, and then said, “Oh, no!” Alice asked him what was wrong and he replied, “I’ve made too much.
The potion will have to be used.”
The Professor said there would be at least three wishes in the bottle. He then asked whether they would like three wishes. And the rag dolls cried, “Yes, please.” Professor Wood Eye said, “Are you ready then make your three wishes one, two, three, give your wishes to me.”
1. Let everybody love each other.
2. Give the Wooden Prince a special coating so he can go out in the cold and wet.
3. To go on a magical trip with the Wooden Prince.
The Professor waved his magic wand and made their dreams come true and the Wooden Prince was free to go to sea.
That night they went to bed early and they fell fast asleep.
The moon tapped on the window but Alice and Alfie didn’t hear that he had said, “Sleep tight tonight for tomorrow will be bright and your dreams will come true and Nichole is thinking of you.”
Alice and Alfie were fast asleep when they were awoken by a bright light at the window. It was the mad professor from the magic castle. He waved his magic wand and cried, “Make three wishes and I will make your wishes come true.”
In no time they found themselves on an old ship far out to sea. They hid in a corner by the kitchen door. Inside the kitchen a chef was cooking fish that made a horrible whiff. The chef saw them hiding in the corner and took them to the captain. The captain said, “Hang them up till they tell us who they are.”
Alice cried, “Oh, please don’t hurt us”
And Alfie asked, “Why are you so horrible?”
The captain replied, “We are horrible because we are pirates of the sea, and we can’t be nice” and with that all the pirates laughed and laughed.
The captain said, “I will ask you again, where do you come from?” Alfie told him, “From the magic windmill up on the hill.”
The captain laughed, “Magic windmill? Pigs might fly!” He told his pirates to leave them hanging there till morning.
Alice and Alfie cried and cried. They heard the captain and his men drinking and laughing down in their cabins. Just then out in the darkness they heard “pst. pst. pst.” At first they thought it was the cats, but then they saw it was the Wooden Prince. Alice said quietly, “What are you doing out here in the cold and wet. You will just rot and fall to pieces.”
The Wooden Prince replied, “No, I won’t. I woke up this morning with a special coat of varnish all over my body, so now I can go outside.”
There was a storm brewing out in the distance and the ship rocked from side to side. The Wooden Prince had been reunited with the rag dolls. He released them and went down with them into the hull of the ship. In the corner was the captain’s bounty. There was a large coconut, gold and silver coins and also rings and chains shining bright. They all lay on the old sheet in the corner and fell asleep.
The next morning the captain and his men went on deck and one of the men shouted, “Look the prisoners have gone.” The ropes were swaying in the wind and the captain said they must have fallen overboard in the storm last night.
Alice heard the men saying that they were going to throw the captain off the ship tonight. Alfie said to her, “That is not very nice.”
As night fell the captain stood on the bridge with his hands wrapped around the big wheel that steered the ship. All of a sudden the pirates started to fight. The captain and his mate stood their ground and they turned the cannon and fired it at the pirates. The cannonball went straight up into the air and it just missed Alice and Alfie. The cannonball flew past the wooden prince and shot through the bottom of the ship.
There was a loud crash and the rag dolls could see that it had made a large hole and that seawater was coming in. The ship was sinking and the captain said to all the pirates, “Abandon ship.”
They all shouted, “Aye, Aye captain.”
Alice and Alfie called to the prince, “Look there is a plank of wood hanging over the side of the ship.” They all ran onto it. The captain saw them and he ran over with a hammer and hit the wooden plank. It snapped in two and fell into the sea. The rag dolls and the Wooden Prince all hung onto it and as it floated away they could see the ship in the distance, slowly sinking into the sea and heard the captain shouting “Please save me!”
All night they clung onto the plank of wood and eventually fell asleep.
They were awoken by the sound of birds calling and they found themselves lying on a beach. The brightly coloured birds were called parrots.
The prince stood up and said, “I feel as if I have been here before you know.” He went to sit under a tree out of the hot sun, Alice and Alfie followed. As they lay there, they heard a loud noise from above. Alice and Alfie looked up and there in the tree was a grumpy old monkey called Love.
The monkey grabbed a coconut shell and dropped it from above and it landed right on Alfie’s head. Alfie cried, “That hurt, you little monkey.” The monkey climbed down and said he was sorry but he only wanted them to have something to eat and drink. Alice said, “What is in the coconut?”
Alfie said, “It must be a brick because my head still hurts.” The monkey showed them how to open the coconut and they sat and enjoyed the milk and fruit.
Alice and Alfie sat and told the monkey where they came from and Alice asked the monkey where he lived. He said, “I live in the trees with the bees and all my friends, would you like to meet them?” They all said they would so they walked through the woods looking up into all the trees. The parrots sang beautifully as they went on their way.
Eventually they came to a clearing in the woods where there were mud huts with straw roofs. The monkey told them that this was where the witch doctor lived. Alice said, “Which doctor?” and the monkey just laughed. The monkey told them that he was kind and he might let them stay. He knocked on the door and the witch doctor shouted out, “Who is there?”
The monkey answered, “Open the door and you will see.”
The witch doctor said, “See who”
And the monkey replied, “You will see us” and with that he opened the door and let them in where they all sat and talked. He said they could stay with him and he would love to hear about their adventures.
The monkey told the two rag dolls, “I must go now but I will come back later with my frien
The Wooden Prince had been looking around the woods. He knocked on the door of the wooden hut and the witch doctor opened the door and shouted,
“The Prince, the Prince, the Prince,” and he bowed his head. Alice said, “Do you know him?”
And the witch doctor replied, “Yes, he is the Prince of the Island.” He told them that he was taken away twenty years ago by the pirates. The Prince said “I can’t remember anything about that but when we arrived here I thought I had been here before.”
That night the witch doctor played his drums, which called to all the animals on the island to come to a party to celebrate the return of the prince.
The monkeys were first to arrive they were playing their drums and trumpets. The parrots came flying in and the eagles too, followed by three bears. They hugged the prince and shouted, “The Prince, the Prince.” They sang and danced all night and told stories. The prince was so happy because now he was varnished he could live there forever without rotting and falling apart.